
How to Prepare for Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

How to Prepare for Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Preparing For Laser Hair Removal Please follow these guidelines below (unless your laser technician advises you otherwise). • We ask that you come to your appointment with clean skin. That means that you shouldn’t apply any lotions, deodorants, oils, creams, or...

Pros and cons of Laser Hair Removal

Pros and cons of Laser Hair Removal

Let’s talk pros and cons of laser hair removal. When it comes to removing unwanted body hair, the truth is, you’ve got options. If you don’t look forward to shaving several times a week or growing your hair out long enough to get your next wax, laser hair removal is an excellent alternative.  

Hilarious Product Bloopers

Hilarious Product Bloopers

Our cosmetics team had a lot of fun shooting product videos for our online store. We decided to share some of the outtakes, so that you can laugh along with us. Come meet our fun and courteous team and learn more about our line of medical grade skin care products, available exclusively from the Imami Skin & Cosmetic Center.

Florida Today: Micropigmentation

Ashley Bathurst, a permanent makeup artist at Imami Skin and Cosmetic Center, was recently featured in Florida Today for her use of micropigmentation to give the illusion of fuller hair by mimicking the look of hair follicles. The technique can also be used to help hide birthmarks, scars, age spots, and burns as well as broken capillaries on the face.

Tepas Holiday Party 2018

Tepas Holiday Party 2018

Thank you to everyone who attended our holiday celebration and joined us for an elegant evening on the Premiere Oaks Roof Top Terrace. We are thankful for our many friends this holiday season. Please enjoy these photos from the event. [ngg src="galleries" ids="4"...