BeautiFill Liposuction
BeautiFill Laser Liposuction
BeautiFill is a Laser-assisted Liposuction procedure that gently and permanently removes stubborn unwanted fat cells to improve your body’s contour. Popular areas for treatments include the Abdomen, Flanks, Back, Arms, Thights, and Bra Bulge.
Laser Liposuction may be combined with other Non-Surgical and Surgical treatments to enhance contouring including Signature Lifts

Experience a More Youthful You
As we age, our body deposits fat in undesirable areas which weight loss alone cannot eliminate. Women especially, deposit fat under the skin along the abdomen, flanks, back bra bulge, upper arms, thighs and chin.
Conventional lipo removes fat by suctioning it out through small cannulas. Laser Liposuction, however, has a small laser fiber at its tip, which safely and comfortably heats the tissues to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit to first melt fat. Once the fat is liquified, liposuction is easier with less bruising. The laser energy also stimulates collagen production and helps tighten the overlaying skin.
Surgery is often used to remove large paddles of fat and skin; for example, tummy tuck, brachioplasty, and thigh plasty. Laser Liposuction can achieve similar results for many patients, without the large surgical incision. Laser Lipo also targets areas not easily accessible by surgery, such as the flanks, bra bulge, and chin.
Am I a good candidate for the procedure?
Good candidates are generally healthy and near their ideal body weight. For patients who do not desire traditional surgery, general anesthesia, or longer downtimes, Laser Lipo is an excellent alternative to Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), Brachioplasty (arm lift), and Thighplasty (thigh lift).
Is the procedure painful?
This is a well-tolerated in-office procedure. By using light sedation, “laughing gas” and lidocaine, there is minimal discomfort with prompt recovery.
What is the downtime?
You should avoid driving and you may need assistance at home for the first 48 hours. You may shower after 48 hours. Since there may be mild swelling, tenderness, and perhaps bruising for 2-3 weeks, you should avoid exercise or strenuous activities. Compression garments should be worn for 6 weeks.
When will I see results?
Though results are apparent within days, it usually takes about 3 months for final results as the areas heal and the swelling resolves.