
Appointment & Financial Policies

Accepted Payment Methods


Credit Card



*We accept certified bank checks made payable to Imami Skin and Cosmetic Center. Payment by personal check must be made at least two weeks before treatment. Personal checks will not be accepted on the day of treatment

Accepted Credit Cards



American Express®


No Show Policy

Patients who do not show up for their appointment without adhering to the Reschedule/Cancellation Policy will forfeit their service deposit or a session from a pre-paid package will be considered redeemed. If the appointment is for a complimentary or reward redemption service, the service will be considered delivered.

Reschedule / Cancelation Policy

Patients who wish to reschedule or cancel their appointment must notify at least three (3) business days in advance of their appointment. Failure to provide three (3) business days’ notice will forfeit their service deposit or a session from a pre-paid package will be considered redeemed. If the appointment is for a complimentary or reward redemption service, the service will be considered delivered.

The policy is effective 8/18/2023 and is subject to change without notice. This policy is retroactive and supersedes previous policies.